La coronilla al Arcángel San Miguel, también llamado Rosario de los Ángeles es un conjunto de oraciones del catolicismo con las que se pide intercesión de cada uno de los coros celestiales.
La coronilla fue revelada en Portugal a la Sierva de Dios Antonia De Astónac aproximadamente en el año 1750. El arcángel Miguel le dijo a la religiosa que deseaba ser honrado mediante la recitación de nueve salutaciones a través de las cuales se invoca la intercesión de San Miguel y del Coro Celestial correspondiente, rezando un padrenuestro y tres avemarías en cada salutación.
The Chaplet of St Michael is a great way to honour heaven’s greatest warrior against the devil, along with the nine ranks – or ‘choirs’ – of angels.
The chaplet originates in a private revelation by the Archangel Michael to Portuguese nun Antónia d’Astónaco, approved by Pope Pius IX in 1851. The archangel promised that whoever prayed the chaplet would have his assistance, and the assistance of one angel from each of the celestial choirs, when approaching Holy Communion. Those who recite the chaplet daily will also have the continual assistance of all the angels during their life and after their death. This assistance also applies to their immediate family.
The chaplet may be prayed with a special set of chaplet beads (the structure is different to that of the Rosary), or simply prayed mentally.
Before beginning the chaplet, you should make an Act of Contrition. Then, to start the chaplet, make the sign of the cross and say the prayer:
“O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be…”
There follow nine salutations. After each one, say one Our Father and three Hail Mary’s.
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